Thanks for your responses and questions everyone.
We are currently working to set up an account with GIVE2ASIA that will be dedicated to SketchCrawl funds. I’ll let you know as soon as that is ready.


How would the sponsoring work?

Here’s what I am thinking.
You reach out to as many people as you can asking them the following:
“I am gonna sketch ALL day on April 16th to raise funds for disaster relief in Japan. Help me! Be my sponsor in this drawing marathon I am participating in!
Please pledge what you can and donate it to GIVE2ASIA at this following url”

I will give you a special URL for SketchCrawl donations asap!
But the idea is that your sponsors would donate directly to give2asia and let you know how much they donated for you. Every SketchCrawler would keep track of his own sponsors/donations.
I am in the process of making a downloadable “SketchCrawl for Japan – sponsor sheet”. This you can use to track the sponsors that are supporting your sketchcrawl and how much they are donating for you.
Think about it, If everyone one of your sponsors is donating $20 for you, you only need 5 to raise a $100!
So aim for the sky! See how much money you can raise … Japan needs this!
And every little bit counts!

Important! for those of you outside the US, donating to Give2Asia will not make donations a taxbreak for your donors. That’s the tricky thing.
So … I would suggest choosing a local non-profit that of course still donates all its proceeds to Japan.
We want donations to be a taxbreak for the donors IN YOUR country, so the best way is to find a good local NPO.
The redcross should work almost everywhere in the world.
But let us know in the forums what you think are the best organizations in your own country, hopefully we can try and coordinate locally that way.

Ok? Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
More details real soon … and also the sponsor sheet!!!

thanks everyone!

WorldWide SketchCrawl #31 – Earthquake & tsunami emergency Benefit