Wow! What a great sketchcrawl this past saturday! It was hands down the most attended with artists participating and gathering in more than 90 different locations around the globe. Don’t miss checking out all the drawings on the forums! It really still blows my mind that on these days we are soo many around the world drawing at the same time, it’s such a good feeling. A shout goes out to San Paolo in Brazil with a record 120 artists sketchcrawling there! Amazing! 🙂 In San Francisco we weren’t too far behind with roughly 100 artists participating. It was really fun seeing everyone at the De Young Museum at the end of the afternoon. Below are my day’s watercolors. I started with sketching my daughter, whom I’ve honestly found for quite some time hard to capture. She’s so ridiculously adorable it’s hard to do it justice. These are among the first attempts I feel pretty good about. So, that’s it … and for next SketchCrawl early April! We’ll have a date asap!

sketchcrawl 21