Tomorrow, January 10th, its the 21st World Wide SketchCrawl and people around the world are joining in to sketch around their towns and cities. We have right now an amazing 95 different locations around the globe with artists meeting and drawing. Stockholm, Vancouver, Rio de Janeiro, Seattle, London, Milano, Houston, Brisbane, Shanghai, Dublin, Rome, New York, Seoul, Munich, Paris and many more To see all locations participating visit theforums. In San Francisco we are trying something a little different this time around, instead of meeting at the beginning of the day in a large group we are planning to meet at the end of the drawing day the idea is to go on our own separate adventures and reconvene to share them. The meeting and sketchbooks sharing is happening at the De Young Museum cafe at 4pm. Hope some of you can join us! More details here. Also if youre on facebook, be sure to join the ever growingSketchCrawl group there.