São Paulo, Brazil - [Results]

Saturday July 14th 2012

Moderators: Gerald, PaintMonster

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Marcus Penna
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São Paulo, Brazil - [Results]

Post by Marcus Penna »

A little late but... Here we are again :).

Yesterday we spent the day on the japanese-chinese-korean inhabited Liberdade neighborhood (basically a portuguese-speaking Chinatown), the streets were very crowded but I managed to paint a couple of watercolours (protip: Painting on São Paulo streets gives you the "super power" to attract all kinds of weirdos...).

We spent most of the time drawing near the Praça da Liberdade (or "Liberty Square"... I think), where every weekend a little street fair is held by the neighborhood's people. Lotsa oriental food, btw :o).

Not really happy with my second one, the sun was drying my paper and my brushes faster than I could paint, so I tried to overcompensate using more water and pigment... And it didn't work :P.

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Re: São Paulo, Brazil - [Results]

Post by bh yoo »

Beautiful watercolor sketches! Love all. :clap: :thumbup: :)

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