W W SketchCrawl 11 is here.

So, looks like we might be heading for a great turn out this saturday! We are gonna have crawlers in more than a dozen countries and altogether more than forty locations! Really exciting. Many thanks to all of you who helped spread the word, So, for those of you...


Over the weekend, we drove along the California Hwy of Redwood Trees aka: “The Avenue of Giants”. We came across a park with a drive-thru tree named the “Chandelier Tree”. It’s amazing how the trunk of this 315 ft. tree is hollowed out...

SketchCrawl # 10 – July 1st !

Wow, the tenth international Sketchcrawl !? Yes it’s true and it’s here around the corner ! After less than 2 years (the first World Wide SketchCrawl took place in November 2004) we did 10 drawing marathons, with hundreds of artists spanning many cities in...

inspiration (By Amelia)

Hullo SketchCrawlers! Since the next SC is coming up in a few weeks, I thought I would share just a fragment of some inspiring art that I often look to for inspiration. The art of the other contributers of this blog is not shown…their art is inspirational, that...