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Heerlen, the Netherlands

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:12 am
by Rene Fijten
For the third time we organize a sketchcrawl in Limburg, Netherlands.
This time in the Ikea in Heerlen, on the "woonboulevard" next to the N281, exit "Heerlen Noord".
I asked Ikea, and they were positive about it.
It gives the opportunity to draw people and the funiture "rooms", as well as in the restaurant.
Assemble at 13.00 hours at the main entrance, a the bottom right hand side of the main staircase.

Voor de 3e keer: sketchcrawl in Limburg Nederland. Bij de Ikea dit keer.
Verzamelen om 19 januari om 13.00 bij de Ikea Heerlen, langs de N281 afslag "Heerlen Noord".
Verzamelen bij de hoofdingang naast de hoofdtrap aan de rechterkant.