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Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:15 pm
by CyberDave
This is the thread to use for POSTING photo's and sketches from Condom, France Sketchcrawl #33

For those looking for location, time and meeting info use the original thread at viewtopic.php?f=58&t=6961

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:28 pm
by Tatie
Thank's Dave!

"Un pour tous, tous pour un!"

(I lost my draft so I have to rewrite all ... :( )


Wonderful weather in Condom to-day (almost too hot 8) ), a perfect day to sketch outside!
On the morning we stayed near the Cathedral (and not far from the famous musketeers): the place is such an inspiration!
On the afternoon we went by the River Baïse to sketch the water, the bridges, the landscape.
This post doesn't show all the drawings. I will receive more later, after they have been scanned.

Temps fabuleux à Condom aujourd'hui (presque trop chaud...nous cherchions de l'ombre pour nous installer!). La matin nous avons dessiné autour de la cathédrale (et de ses incontournables mousquetaires); on aurait pu y rester la journée tant cet endroit est inspirant! Mais nous avons décidé de changer de lieu l'après midi et sommes allés nous installer au bord de la Baïse pour croquer l'eau, ses reflets, ses ponts et un peu plus de verdure.
(Plus de dessins dans un prochain post, quand son auteur les aura scannés)







We really had fun! What a lovely day!

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:21 pm
by Virginia
C'est magnifique tout ça.

Vous avez eu de la chance d'avoir eu chaud, nous au contraire on cherchait le soleil peu présent dans les rues étroites de Nolay

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:46 pm
by notnottana
Great. I love the framed composition as a comics ...

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:43 pm
by CyberDave
In the spirit of International relations. :wave: I had volunteered to also participate in the World Wide Sketchcrawl for Condom, France.
Christine (Tatie) agreed to let me post with her group. Since I would be some 5,300 Miles or 8,400 Kilometres away, this for me would be a remote Sketchcrawl.. although i was certainly tempting to hop on a plane and sketch in France. :)
Christine was able to email me a few snap photo's and the sketches were done from those.

The first sketch is of one of the Musketeer statues. This was a verrry quick sketch using a sharpened chopstick and blue Mont Blanc fountain pen ink on Moleskine watercolour paper.

The second sketch was of the four Musketeers statues and was sketched with an HB pencil and Winsor Newton watercolour paint on Canson XL Mix Media paper.

I had fun doing this as I absolutely love all the Musketeer stories.

Vancouver, Canada

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:50 pm
by CyberDave

You folks did great today, love your sketches and can't wait to see more.
Great sketch of the park area by the statues with the sketcher.
Nice architectural sketch of part of the cathedral.
I really love the little vignettes.

I'll check back later.. I seem to be a little ill and am going to go rest up.


Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:30 am
Bravo, belles réalisations...
De la part des 3 sketchcrawleurs Savoyards

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:13 am
by Tatie
Merci à tous et bravo à Dave pour ses mousquetaires lointains!
Thank's you all and BRAVO to Dave for his far-away-musketeers! Hope you will recover soon, Dave :thumbup: .

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:28 am
by Tatie
Here are Marianne's sketches. I love them, the're so delicate :thumbup:

Voici maintenant les dessins de Marianne. Je les adore, il sont si délicats! Je n'ai pas pu faire de choix donc je les mets tous. :clap:
Merci à toi Marianne pour cette belle journée de dessin et d'échanges!







Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:35 pm
by CyberDave
Thanks Tatie... I am feeling much better this morning and have now finished posting another Vancouver sketch and photos. :)

Great sketches from Marianne.. Merci Beaucoup (there ... almost the limit of my French :) ).
Marianne, thanks for coming out and sketching with Tatie, and posting your sketches.
I really like your detailed sketches especially the meeting of the swords and the three archways.

Vancouver, Canada

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:45 pm
by pascal
bravo aux mousquetaires du dessin. belle organisation et beaux dessins

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:00 pm
by Sophie Valenti
Bravo Condom pour cette première participation et merci pour cette agréable visite artistique ! :clap:

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:18 pm
by Virginia
Les sketch de Marianne sont en effet très délicat, j'aime beaucoup.
Bravo à cyberdave pour cette interprétation lointaine :thumbup:.
Quant aux tiennes, j'ai cru reconnaitre un crane chauve et une queue de cheval :wink: mais j'espère pouvoir les voir en vrai prochainement.

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:37 pm
by Kim.M.
Super Tatie, tes couleurs montre une finesse aussi je trouve :wink: . Et Marianne, délicat et expressif en même temps.

Ca me donne envie d'y aller, voir Condom moi même - bravo !!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Re: Condom, France - [RESULTS]

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:43 am
by Ptitgri
Bon "boulot".
J'ai l'impression que les Mousquetaires sont de plus en plus nombreux.
Encore bravo.
Ptitgri - croqueur de Savoie